Setup Guide 3: Start Your First Service on the iPad

by User Not Found | Jul 14, 2016

Start Registry Mode

1. Open the Expression app and log in.

2. From the Service Selection Screen, select the service. A check mark will appear next to each service selected. Tap the "Start" button. You are able to select up to 9 services to run on each iPad. See: Multiple Services in Expression: Main Service Screen.

The kiosk will now be locked in Registry Mode.

Selected ServiceUnselected Service

Follow this process on all kiosks to be used for the services.

See Exit Registry Mode to end the service.

Expression Service Selection Screen 3.0

The service selection screen is the first screen and main screen you will see after logging in to the Expression Guest Registry app. The best practice is to keep kiosks at this screen when not in use. From this screen you will be able to check the signal strength, battery life, and start any registry quickly.

Service Selection Home Screen

A. Service Selection list – This is a list of all the services you created along with the dates of service in ascending order. If you tap a name, a check mark  and number will appear next to the name. By tapping the service again, the check mark will disappear. Up to 9 services can be selected at a time. The order you tap the services, will be the order they appear on the guest service selection screen.

B. Service Order Indicators – Indicates in which order there services will appear if multiple services are selected.

C. Selected Service Display – When a service is selected the name will appear here. The order they are in is the order that the services were selected. Left to right, goes top to bottom on Guest service Selection screen.

D. Refresh and Update button – Refreshes new and changed service including images from the Expression Dashboard. It will also send entries to the dashboard if kiosk was in offline registry mode.

E. Exit button – to exit registry mode, press this button. You will need to know the password for your account to exit. This appears on all screens of the registry.

F. Data Signal Indicators – Displays the type of data connection the kiosk is using. See below for the different Types of Connections.

G. Battery Life Indicator- displays the percentage of battery life remaining. When charging the kiosk the battery icon has a lightning bolt on it.

H. Settings Menu button- opens the settings menu where you select translations and country location.

I. Backup upload – If for any reason you need to upload entries again or they did not show up while a service was live, this backup upload functionality can be used. Entries are stored on the iPad for 60 days after a service.

J. Start button – Appears if a service is selected. When this button is selected, the registry will start for the selected service(s). 

Types of Connections


You are connected to a Wi-Fi network. This is the optimal connection, and should be connected to Wi-Fi whenever possible.

3G, 4G or LTE

You are connected to a fast cellular data connection. The number of bars to the left of the icon will determine the speed and stability. If only one bar, data may come in and out.

E (Edge)

This indicates you are on the slowest cellular connection type. Auto-population of city and state may be slow during registration. If issue with is occurs, it may be better to turn off the data connection to disable auto population.

Exit Registry Mode

The Exit button is the red dot Main Exit Button in the top right corner of every screen of Expression. It is password protected but we kept it unlabeled to not draw any attention to it by guests. It is a small touch zone, and can take a few taps to activate.

To exit registry mode, tap the Exit button. A password screen will pop up. Enter your Expression password and tap "Exit" (A).

Exit Password

If you do not get the password correct you will be pushed back to the Service Selection Screen.

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