How-To: Using the Expression Guests Screen

by User Not Found | Jul 14, 2016

The Guests screen allows you to search guests from all your services and export to spreadsheets (csv). If you have the More Info check box enabled on your app, you might use this function to compile a list of all those guests who have requested more information. If you do an emailed newsletter you might use this function to export all guests who have left their email addresses.

Expresion Guests Screen

Anatomy of the Guest List

Each row is a guest that has signed in on your registry. This screen has all your guests mashed together from all your services.

Anatomy of the Guest Screen

Name column - This is the guest name that they entered on the registry. You can edit or delete this guest from this column.

Phone column - You have the More Info check box enabled on Expression Guest Registry, guests have the ability to enter their phone number for later contact. If there is a zero in the column for a guest, it means they checked the box for More Info but they did not enter in a phone number.

Attended column - The top line in this column is the service which they attended. Below is the date they signed in. If you hover over the date with your mouse, a pop-up will display the date and time.


Any information that doesn't fit in its column will have 2 periods at the end of the text. If you hover over the text with your mouse a pop-up will display the whole text.

Advanced Search

1. You will want to first set the date range of the search. By default, the date range is set for 30 days.

Advanced Search

2. Select your Criteria for the search.

Criteria for Search

Guests Name - Search by guest,s first, last or both names. It will only search in the date range that is set above.

Zip Code - If you only want to view guests within a certain zip code, enter the zip code here. If you want to view guests in multiple zip code areas enter each zip code followed by a comma without a space (i.e. 54301,64302,64303).

Remove Entries with Duplicate Email Addresses - This would most likely be used for exporting an emailing list where you only want to add the guest to the system one time.

Guest Has Email Address Checkbox - If this is checked, results will only show guests that have an email address. Best used for exporting an emailing list.

Guest Has Requested More Information checkbox* - If this is checked, results will only show guests that have checked the box to request more information on the app. The results will only show guests with a 0 or a phone number in the phone number column. If there is a 0 here that means they checked the box but decided not to enter in a phone number.

* This requires that you have the Request More Info checkbox enabled on your Expression Guest Registry account.

3. Once all your criteria for your search has been set, click Search.

4. You can now either Sort your list than Export Results, or just Export Results.


By default the guest list is in descending order by sign-in time with the most recent guest entry at the top. Sorting by column can be done at the top right of the table. Sorting should be done after a search as been made.


Select the column you would like to sort by in the "Sort By" menu. Select the sort order either Ascending or Descending, then click "Sort."

Export Results

Results are exported in the order that you have set the sort, and is exported to CSV file which can be opened by Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet application.

Click Export Results. A file with the date range set in your search will be exported.

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